Amateur d’imagerie IA ? Voyez quelle IA surpasse les autres en création d’images !

Les technologies d’intelligence artificielle évoluent rapidement, et la génération d’images par IA ne fait pas exception. Google Gemini, ChatGPT et MetaAI offrent des perspectives fascinantes sur ce que l’IA peut créer visuellement. J’ai exploré leur capacité à générer des images à partir de descriptions simples. [embed][/embed] Méthodologie du test : uniformité et précision Pour … […]


Earth-like environment likely on ancient Mars

A research team using the ChemCam instrument onboard NASA’s Curiosity rover discovered higher-than-usual amounts of manganese in lakebed rocks within Gale Crater on Mars, which indicates that the sediments were formed in a river, delta, or near the shoreline of an ancient lake. … […]


Improved AI process could better predict water supplies

A new computer model uses a better artificial intelligence process to measure snow and water availability more accurately across vast distances in the West, information that could someday be used to better predict water availability for farmers and others. The researchers predict water availability from areas in the West where snow amounts aren’t being physically measured. … […]